
3362 Big Pine Trail, Suite A, Champaign, Illinois 61822

Depression is an all too common problem that affects millions of people across the US. Common treatments involve therapy and a variety of medications. However, there are some things you can do on your own to help manage this often-debilitating condition. Here are the top four things you can do at home to help yourself cope with depression:


Exercising regularly is essential in managing anxiety, stress, and depression. Depression often manifests itself physically via reduced energy, reduced appetite, body aches, disturbed sleep, and increased pain perception. However, when you exercise, the body increases the production of dopamine (a feel-good hormone) that makes exercise very effective in managing feelings of depression.

Seek Help from People You are Close To

If you feel depressed, consider seeking help from close friends, colleagues, and family members. Usually when someone is depressed they seek isolation. It is better to seek help, because managing the condition is easier with help. While feelings of shame, exhaustion, and guilt can make it difficult to reach out, making the effort to take part in social activities and stay connected with other people will improve your mood. Remind yourself that you should not feel guilty or ashamed, because your friends and family love you regardless of what you are suffering from right now.

Manage Your Stress

Did you know that stress can worsen your depression? Stress is common, because we all have life problems every now and then. Unfortunately, these common everyday stressors can make depression even more unbearable. Try to avoid situations that cause you stress. This may require you to temporarily minimize contact with people and situations that stress you out. You should also reward yourself in some small way every time you do something difficult, so that the pleasure of the reward counteracts the harmful effects of the stress.

Make Yourself Enjoy Yourself

Life should be fun, and you have a right to enjoy yourself. Depression makes it difficult to even try to enjoy yourself, though. However, just because you are not well does not mean that your need to enjoy yourself sometimes is any less. When you are depressed, it is more important than ever to deliberately go out and do fun things, even when you feel like you won't enjoy them. It can be difficult to push yourself during your down times, but doing so can be very rewarding. You might be surprised by the results you will get in the long run. 

The key is to set small goals that are easy to attain. Remember, you might not get immediate results, but patience is the key. In time, you should get positive results from doing things that you used to enjoy. You can choose to play a favorite sport, pursue a hobby, or even express yourself via music, writing, or art. Spending time outdoors, going to the ballpark, visiting a museum, or even just going shopping can all have a positive impact on the way you feel.

A Final Word

Finally, if you are experiencing extreme depression and nothing helps, consider seeking professional help. There is no shame in doing so. We all need help at some time in our lives. An experienced, educated professional can help you do the things your depression won't let you do for yourself.

If you're confined to your home due to an enforced lockdown, such as in the Covid-19 pandemic, don't succumb to feelings of gloom and doom. A positive, upbeat approach is much more helpful in such a situation, both for yourself and for those around you. By staying calm and cheerful yourself, you can inspire your family, friends and neighbours to follow suit and pull together through your shared challenge. You can go further, too, with the help of social media, and support others around the world who may be affected. This noble, empowering role will be ready and waiting for you, so here are some bright ideas to start you off when need arises.

Phone around

Keep your phone charged up and in credit, and phone around all your friends, relatives and other contacts. Check they're all safe and well, and encourage them to open up and share any concerns they have. Getting worries off their chest will help them relax afterwards. You can share your own concerns, too, and benefit from your friends' support likewise. Make a commitment to repeat the phone-around every week, or however often you judge to be mutually beneficial, until the lockdown is over.

Show your face

Go to your window, door or balcony on a regular basis, and let your neighbors see you. Perhaps phone a few of them first to let them know you'll be there, and ask them to spread the word. When you're ready, wave a flag or bang a kitchen pan to attract everyone's attention and encourage them to show themselves, too. It's heartening to see your fellow human beings, even at a distance, when contact is restricted.

 Tap on walls

 Arrange with your next door neighbors to exchange regular taps on the wall, floor or ceiling, depending where they're situated. This will provide reassuring contact and companionship for all concerned. Perhaps agree a code, such as three taps to say all is well and six to say there's a problem. This will enable you to monitor each other's health and well-being, and to offer support, should an issue arise.

 Send messages online

Make use of your social media accounts to reach out to the wider community. With cheerful, positive messages, you can help people everywhere to stay strong, like you. Your efforts will be rewarded with expressions of warmth and gratitude, and your own spirits will be raised by the wonderful camaraderie you've generated.

 Publish entertaining videos

If you like using your camera, take some photos or videos to amuse your online followers. Focus on topics that interest you, such as cooking, nature and pets perhaps. Catch moments of charm, wonder or humor that viewers will enjoy, too, and add witty captions as you go.  You'll find this project fun and absorbing, and your fellow lockdown victims will appreciate them, too. Be sure to admire their offerings as well, and encourage comradely interaction at this difficult time.

 Offer jokes and humor

Get your social media followers chuckling by posting jokes and funny anecdotes. Rack your brains for old jokes and stories from your schooldays, or select some from the Internet. Then maybe add in some comic rhymes, silly songs and crazy cartoons.  Display the most popular posts on your windows or door, for your neighbors to enjoy as well. You may spot some jokes appearing on the buildings around you soon after, as people respond with their own contributions. Simple gestures like these can spark a whirl of community fun, helping everyone stay calm and positive.

Share music, art and poetry

If you have a creative talent, share it with your family and neighbors, and give them a cultural treat. If you can sing or play an instrument, for instance, you can perform a little concert on your doorstep or balcony, and post a recording of it online for your wider circle. If art is your forte, perhaps draw a giant picture and display it in your window, or if you're a comedian, perform some simple gigs or sketches. Encourage your audience to follow suit with their own little party pieces.

There are all sorts of ways to keep up your own spirits and everyone else's, too, during a period of lockdown. Every smile and wave will boost that precious camaraderie, and if you get a down moment yourself, you can take heart from the positivity you've inspired. That's the magic of community morale: everyone helps each other. 








When most people hear the phrase borderline personality disorder, they have automatic and immediate assumptions about the person being referenced. Oftentimes, these assumptions are wholly untrue and based on rumors and misconceptions. And these misconceptions can be hurtful and problematic for people that do live with borderline personality disorder.

Borderline personality disorder is a mental health disorder characterized by extreme mood swings, identity issues, feelings of emptiness, and more. However, a clinical description can only tell you so much about the disorder. Here are some things people with borderline personality disorder wish you knew.

Borderline Personality Disorder Does Not Mean You Are Evil

Many people immediately think that a person with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are evil somehow. They assume they are heartless and self-centered, basically a psychopath. However, this is not the case at all.

The reality is that most people with BPD are highly empathetic and caring. In fact, part of the problem can be that they are too empathetic. If you are empathetic towards others, it is next to impossible to be evil.

Having Borderline Personality Disorder Does Not Make You Manipulative

There is another assumption out there that people with BPD are extremely manipulative and will do anything to get their way. The problem is that this is based on a misunderstanding of the symptoms of BPD.

When a person is having a BPD episode, they may become extremely emotional. This can mean that they get sad and cry or get angry and scream. They might go silent or might become very loud and dominating in conversation.

A person who is in a BPD episode may also threaten self-harm or suicide or take such actions. These people are not doing any of these things to be manipulative. They are suffering. Their emotions are out of their control. Manipulation is not necessarily a part of BPD at all.

People with Borderline Personality Disorder Can Have Good Relationships

Many people shy away from having relationships with someone when they find out they have BPD. There is a horrible misconception that people with BPD cannot have good or healthy relationships, but people with BPD can have strong connections and relationships just like anybody else.

Borderline Personality Disorder Doesn't Make You Dangerous

Emotional volatility and being dangerous are not the same thing. A person with BPD is not dangerous because of their mental health disorder.

You do not have to fear a person just because you find out they have BPD. You probably already know people with the condition that function normally, have never shown any signs of problems or being dangerous. And, they never will.

Borderline Personality Disorder Can Be Treated

Finally, perhaps the most damaging misconception out there about BPD is that it is a condition that cannot be treated. This is not true. The difference between personality disorders and other mental health disorders is that there are no medications designed specifically to treat the condition as a whole. 

Instead, medications for BPD and other personality disorders address symptoms of the disorder like depression or anxiety. The main treatment for these conditions is therapy, and it is highly effective.

Now that you know just a few of the facts that people with borderline personality disorder wish you knew, you can be sure you are supportive of anyone in your life that has this mental health disorder.


According to Kellie Wong from Business 2 Community in her article, 25 Key Remote Work Statistics for 2020, "Approximately 7 million people were already working from home" before the coronavirus pandemic hit. Since COVID-19, many companies have had to deploy employees to start working from home.

Maybe you've found yourself in such a situation where you now have to work from home. It can be stressful; especially with the additional stress of trying to manage life through this pandemic. Consider the following ways that you can destress while working from home.

Dedicated Workspace

This sounds like such a basic concept, but this is the most important part of destressing while working from home. You need an office that is solely for work and separate from your home life activities. Of course, you may not have a separate room that you can dedicate solely as an office. However, you can take steps to make the workspace separate.

•Room Dividers - Use a portable wall to divide your office space from whatever room you placed your desk in like your bedroom or family room. This can ensure that you have separation between work hours and home life.

•Desktop vs Laptop - Invest in a desktop computer instead of a laptop. Sure, you can have a laptop for personal use. However, if you truly want to create a stress-free work life balance, it's best to have a desk with a desktop computer and monitor so once you step away from the area, you're done with work.

•Work Schedule - Working from home can become complicated, since you may have trouble finding a balance with home life and when you need to work. Decrease your stress levels by making sure you create a clear work schedule and don't deviate from it.  

Comfortable Workspace

Working in a comfortable work area can make your productivity level increase and stress levels decrease. Of course, you don't want to be so comfortable that you zone out and fall asleep. However, you want to be comfortable enough to make it through a long 8-10 hour work day. Take the following steps to make your workspace more comfortable.

•Natural Lighting - If possible, create a workstation that has access to natural light through windows. If that is not an option, use the appropriate task lighting, like a desk lamp to ensure you can work comfortably while writing, reading, or typing.

•Effective Storage - A messy office space decreases productivity. Find the right storage solutions that streamline all the necessary components to help you easily find what you need and work productively.

•Ideal Temperature - Keep the workspace temperature at the optimal degrees to help you feel comfortable throughout the day. If necessary, use a space heater in the winter months or a fan or portable air conditioner in the warmer weather.

•Ergonomic Features - The right desk and chair are so important to improve your comfort level. Some popular ergonomic chair brands are the X-Chair, Steelcase Gesture Chair, Herman Miller Classic Aeron Task Chair, and the Office Factor Executive Ergonomic Office Chair. Ergonomic desks like the ApexDesk Elite Series, Vivo Workstation, or Uplift V2 Adjustable can add to your comfort level by enabling you to have a sitting and standing workstation.

Communication Rules

Make a strict rule for yourself--because this can be easily broken--to keep work communication to set work hours. When you work a regular job outside the home, there are generally clear boundary lines between working time and home time. However, when your office is in your home, the boundary lines can quickly become undefined. This can easily increase your stress levels.

Whether you are a team leader or team member, be vocal whenever you feel that a coworker is crossing those boundary lines and impeding on your home life. You need to keep all work communication on company emails and the company phone line and keep your personal accounts a no work communication zone.

These communication rules apply to your circle of family and friends too. It's important that they know when you'll be working and cannot be disturbed. You won't be productive if people are constantly calling, emailing, and texting you, or knocking on your door. Just because you work from home doesn't mean you can stop what you're doing to go to lunch or take several breaks each day. Setting specific boundaries will definitely help to decrease your stress levels while working from home.

Take Care of Yourself

Since you're working at home, you have easier access to healthy snacks than if you were working in an office. Sure, you could bring healthy snacks to work with you, but working at home makes it easier to walk to the kitchen and make a healthy snack during your afternoon break time. Consider the following healthy snacks as suggested by Healthline.com to power your afternoon:

•Guacamole and Bell Peppers - Avocados are high in monosaturated fats that are effective in maintaining healthy blood cholesterol levels and a healthy heart.

•Roasted Chickpeas - This is a delicious snack that is high in fiber, protein, and vitamins and minerals.

•Apples and Peanut Butter - Apples are a great source of fiber. Peanut butter is a healthy fat and protein that can be a filling snack to help you get through your afternoon.  

Start Destressing Today

Improve the way you balance working from home by following these basic steps to make the daily process less stressful. You can easily make these changes to help you work from home more peacefully and start destressing today.



About Insight Therapy

Insight Therapy is a professional mental health private practice located in Champaign - Urbana. Insight Therapy offers individual therapy, couples counseling, family counseling, and professional mediation services to clients of all ages and issues.

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Contact Information

Insight Therapy, LLC
3362 Big Pine Trail
Suite A
Champaign, Illinois 61822

Phone: (217) 383-0151
Fax: (217) 633-4555

Practice Areas

Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Addiction, Couples Counseling, Eating Disorders, Sexual Abuse Survivor, School Anxiety, Women's Issues, Relationship Issues, BiPolar Disorder, Personality Disorders, Family Issues, Couples Counseling, Mediation, and more!